Tuesday 22 January 2008

Bismarx Poker

After a long time, i am going to review an e-book. Before i begin, i woulf like to know your opinion about whether you prefer to write my opinion about e-books or you prefer to talk about bet-trading etc. in general. Send me your thoughts at betsitereviewer@yahoo.co.uk .

The Bismarkx Poker is about Betfair's Exchange Poker, is written by Malcom Pett contains one simple strategy on how to win money from this automated game.

The e-book consist of 25 pages, with the vast majority explaining the Texas Hold Em and Betfair's version. As i said it only includes one strategy.

Actually is a combination of laying a hand with the BVR method. By tje term BVR, i don't mean "Beyond Visual Range" (air-fighters enthousiasts know the term) but the Bank Vault Report which another version of the martingale system.

Does it work ?

Well actually......no. In my opinion, i find it rather risky since my own personal data shows that we should act in the exact opposite direction!

The strategy is well explained but you have to be careful when implementing it. You also get some excel files which can help you perform the calculations.


Overall: 42%
Cost: 59,97 GBP
Link : www.bismarxpoker.com

Wednesday 9 January 2008

How risky should i be ?

A couple of readers have asked my advise on the amount of risk they should undertake.

My opinion is that it depends on risk-type of punter you are. Before i tell you which are the most common risk-type punters, you should be aware that when you bet on a selection, you undertake a certain amount of risk. There is no risk-free bet (not talking about trading or arbitrage).

The first type is the risk-averse punter. This type of punter hates risks. He prefers to bet on low odds events and usually makes average to large bets in order to have a good return.

The second type is the risk-neutral punter. This type of punter doesn't have a certain attitude towards risk. He can bet on both low and high odds selections and doesn't consider risk as his major decision factor. He always try to compare the price of his selection with his point of view about the outcome of the event.

The third type is the risk-lover punter. This type of punter usually makes small bets on high odds selections. He prefers to diversify his bank into small bets with high R.O.I. .

Personally i am a risk-neutral with a touch of risk-lover punter. I don't bet on low odds selections because in my opinion they contain a bigger possibility of losing the bet than its price shows.