Monday 20 October 2008

Football Loophole

Goodmorning everyone,

Today i am going to tell you my opinion about the "Football Loophole" ebook .

As you can understand, this ebook deals with european soccer. As the writer states, this ebook contains all the methods that he uses to profit from football, betting or trading.

On the ebook you will find 5 betting methods plus 2 trading methods plus some techniques which the writer believes that don't work.

All methods are explained quite efficiently, although it requires some research from your part to implement the methods. A drawback is that the author doesn't support his methods with valid proofs (from last season such as ROI, strike rate etc.), he only explains his method with an example.

As the author states, none of the methods is "bulletproof" and you have to use have a stake plan which allows some losses (there is a suggested stake plan on the ebook).

The ebook is not expensive , 38 GBP and for sure you will get your money back from implementing his methods. Some methods work better than others and the success of each methods varies from time to time (you may get negative results). I would use it as an extra tool for supporting my bets.


Overall : 70 %
Cost : 38 GBP
Link :

Friday 3 October 2008

Verifiedtipsters forum and some sites you should not deal with


I hope everyone is fine. Always keep in mind is that whatever problems you may have, health issues are the most serious and if your health is fine then you can sort out anyother problem you may have.

Today i am going to recommend a forum and warn you about some tipping services.

Verifiedtipsters Forum

A very interesting forum is the Verifiedtipsters forum. Verifiedtipsters is one of the companies that verify bets. You can find a list of such services on a previous post. For now my concern is on their forum.

It's a very good forum where some users state their view about sports tipping services, ebooks etc. You can find positive and negative comments on several sites which can help many people and the admins do a good job maintaining it.

The only drawback is there aren't many member and that's why i decided to write a few words about it, so more people register and become a very useful tool for many punters.

I admit that i am not active in this forum due to lack of time but it's a forum in the right direction and i am going to support it. If you know any other forum , send me an email.

Some sites that you may skip

An example of how helpful this forum can be is a post by a member which stated his experience :

It seems that all the sites listed have the same owner or they exchange email addresses. I have personal experience from win881 and secretpick and i strongly advise to skip them since their record or their attitude is not that "honest"