Sunday 9 September 2007

Winning Secrets

I've been on vacations for quite a while and haven't posted an article for 30 days! I am going to reply to your messages in the next 2-3 days. Now let's move on with our review.

Today, i am going to review an e-book called "Winning Secrets" which is being written by the owners of .

So what's all about ?
"Winning Secrets" is a collection of 23 (!) horse racing systems, each one explained on a single page. The writers get straight to the point without much "blah blah" and the strategies are well explained.
That's a lot of strategies... Do they really work ?
Yes there are a lot of strategies on the e-book but i don't believe that all are winning strategies. Some of them have exotic names (i.e. The assassin method), others require extensive work and their success rate vary.

The "Winning Secrets" e-book can be a good starting point for you to start developing your own strategies. Don't expect to make money out of it. You may earn some money but i advise you to start looking for the "logic" behind these strategies, test them and create your own.

You can get "Winning Secrets" for free just by signing to their free e-zine.

Overall : 62%
Cost : Free
Link :

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