Monday 15 October 2007

Protrade Live

This time i am going to tell you my opinion about a website which can be of great help for those who bet or trade on Major League Baseball.

The ProTrade Live is very easy to use and its information can be proved very valuable. The site was created by Mike Kerns and Jeff Ma both know for their investing activities.

As i mentioned earlier the ProTrade Live is easy to use and can help you find out each team's winning probability according to the course of the ballgame. For example you can find out what's the effect of a two-out double on the game and manage your bet/trading accordingly.

The algorithm used is based on how two teams behave depending on the score, league/stadium, home advantage, batting order, number of hits, momentum etc.

The results are very good and can help a lot on your decision whether to sell you bet or not or to decide which team is going to win (and adjust your stake accordingly).

I believe you should give it a try. Moreover you can try their main site (ProTrade) where you can buy and sell players like stocks!!!!!


Overall: 83%
Cost: Free

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