Wednesday 21 May 2008


Hi there!

I know it's being a long time since i wrote for the last time but too many obligations prevent me from writing and answering to your emails. I promise that i will make up for the lost time.

Today i am going to tell you my opinion about the SportsBettingChamp packet which is written by John Morrison .

As we states he has a Phd degree on statistics and his ebooks are based on statistical analysis. The SportsBettingChamp packet contains 3 e-books each one containing a specific strategy for MLB, NBA and NFL.

The ebooks are not too long, around 10 pages each. The systems analyzed on these ebooks are well explained followed by examples. So far so good.

The results mentioned on their website a genuine. It may be impressive but this is not exactly the case since a "bet" can actually be a set of bets, where we make a certain number of bets until we get it right.

In other words, you must make a couple of bets until a bet is considered to be a winner. The odds suggested are rather small and you are going to require a large amount of starting capital in order to follow the systems with success.

To sum up, the SportsBettingChamp is a compilation of 3 different systems on 3 different US Sports. The systems do live to our expectations but you must have a big amount of starting capital because you risk going default before the bet is considered to be a winner.

Also there are some limitations on the bookies which you can use, so it is better to ask the writer if your bookie can cover the specific strategy. Moreover, don't forget that as you increase your stake, the bookie may not allow you to do so and therefore lose the bet!

If you don't have a big starting bank, don't get involved with this system, if you have one then give it a try


Overall: 65%
Cost : 197 USD
Link :


Anonymous said...

How "big" is "big" for the starting capital?

Anonymous said...

The results are not genuine at all; I have 2 years experience of them to prove it! Last years NBA 'results' were the closest to being accurate; even then, on at least one occasion a losing bet was discarded by system owner John AFTER THE LOSS! Apparently it didn't meet the criteria after all despite him telling all members to place the bet.... hmmm.

This year the MLB bets were a complete farce; many losing bets, then at the end of the year, John stated he had 'upgraded his criteria for selecting matches', and promptly backdated all results to reflect his new criteria, reducing the losses to just 1 and giving the impression the year had been a huge success. In reality, I'm afraid, it was a significant loss.

You will need BIG capital (around 15-20 times your 1st bet stake!) to cope with any losing series of matches, and don't read anything into the reported 'success'.