Thursday 20 November 2008

Xchange Games Testament

Hello there,

This is the first time that i will review an ebook which was sent to me for review by the writer. If you are a writer of a sports ebook or a sports service you can send your ebook or give me a trial membership to your service and i will review it here.

The ebook is called "Xchange Games Testament" and is written by Sotiris Georganos. As you can understand from the title the ebook deals with Betfair's exchange games including the latest card derby racing.

The ebook includes the writer's strategies for all six exchange games, his plus a guide on how to use these strategies (he calls it "His exchange games philosophy"). This 3 page guide is the part which i enjoyed most of this ebook. It explains in a very adequate way how you should treat exchange games.

As for the strategies, they were pretty good . They have their flaws but if you combine them with his instructions, you can get a positive result although it's quite hard to control yourself and not deviate from your target.

Overall an enjoyable ebook, although i am not a great fan of betfair's exchange games. After all you should not forget that you are playing against a random outcome ........


Overall : 75 %
Cost : 120 EUR
Link :


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice review

Anonymous said...

Bought the ebook. it's very good

keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Hi Webmaster, are the strategies featured inside this ebook the same as those from Probettrader"s X-Games which you have reviewed before?

Anonymous said...

Hey friend,

I've bought both ebooks in the past. They have different strategies

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