Thursday 20 November 2008

Xchange Games Testament

Hello there,

This is the first time that i will review an ebook which was sent to me for review by the writer. If you are a writer of a sports ebook or a sports service you can send your ebook or give me a trial membership to your service and i will review it here.

The ebook is called "Xchange Games Testament" and is written by Sotiris Georganos. As you can understand from the title the ebook deals with Betfair's exchange games including the latest card derby racing.

The ebook includes the writer's strategies for all six exchange games, his plus a guide on how to use these strategies (he calls it "His exchange games philosophy"). This 3 page guide is the part which i enjoyed most of this ebook. It explains in a very adequate way how you should treat exchange games.

As for the strategies, they were pretty good . They have their flaws but if you combine them with his instructions, you can get a positive result although it's quite hard to control yourself and not deviate from your target.

Overall an enjoyable ebook, although i am not a great fan of betfair's exchange games. After all you should not forget that you are playing against a random outcome ........


Overall : 75 %
Cost : 120 EUR
Link :

Monday 20 October 2008

Football Loophole

Goodmorning everyone,

Today i am going to tell you my opinion about the "Football Loophole" ebook .

As you can understand, this ebook deals with european soccer. As the writer states, this ebook contains all the methods that he uses to profit from football, betting or trading.

On the ebook you will find 5 betting methods plus 2 trading methods plus some techniques which the writer believes that don't work.

All methods are explained quite efficiently, although it requires some research from your part to implement the methods. A drawback is that the author doesn't support his methods with valid proofs (from last season such as ROI, strike rate etc.), he only explains his method with an example.

As the author states, none of the methods is "bulletproof" and you have to use have a stake plan which allows some losses (there is a suggested stake plan on the ebook).

The ebook is not expensive , 38 GBP and for sure you will get your money back from implementing his methods. Some methods work better than others and the success of each methods varies from time to time (you may get negative results). I would use it as an extra tool for supporting my bets.


Overall : 70 %
Cost : 38 GBP
Link :

Friday 3 October 2008

Verifiedtipsters forum and some sites you should not deal with


I hope everyone is fine. Always keep in mind is that whatever problems you may have, health issues are the most serious and if your health is fine then you can sort out anyother problem you may have.

Today i am going to recommend a forum and warn you about some tipping services.

Verifiedtipsters Forum

A very interesting forum is the Verifiedtipsters forum. Verifiedtipsters is one of the companies that verify bets. You can find a list of such services on a previous post. For now my concern is on their forum.

It's a very good forum where some users state their view about sports tipping services, ebooks etc. You can find positive and negative comments on several sites which can help many people and the admins do a good job maintaining it.

The only drawback is there aren't many member and that's why i decided to write a few words about it, so more people register and become a very useful tool for many punters.

I admit that i am not active in this forum due to lack of time but it's a forum in the right direction and i am going to support it. If you know any other forum , send me an email.

Some sites that you may skip

An example of how helpful this forum can be is a post by a member which stated his experience :

It seems that all the sites listed have the same owner or they exchange email addresses. I have personal experience from win881 and secretpick and i strongly advise to skip them since their record or their attitude is not that "honest"

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Betfair Charges

Most of you must already know the premium charges that Betfair intends to impose in a few days.

I don't know who thought of that idea but for sure will affect a lot of good traders/punters who bring liquidity to the betting exchange. As you know i am one of them and if they take 20% of the profits each week, it minimizes the profit opportunities , therefore i'll have to switch to another betting exchange where there is a user-friendly enviroment.

For those who aren't aware of the changes, Betfair will impose an extra 20% charge per week to those who have benefit from their activities in Betfair. In other words , they impose an extra tax on the capable traders. Ok, for some people 250 bets in any 60 weeks period may seem a lot but in reality, the average trader makes that amount in 4-6 weeks!

I believe that we should raise (on EU) the question of Betfair's betting exchange monopoly. Such acts are against EU's policies . Betfair says that they are bookmakers and not betting exchange but ofcourse this is not the case, since they don't really risk any of their money.

It seems that Betfair's investors want more and more profits but they can't see that in reality they will draw big traders/punters away. Betfair will have to face a crisis similar to the American banks crisis.

In reality, Betfair are us, the big users who bring liquidity. If a good number of such punters abandon Betfair to an alternative betting exchange then there will be troubles in paradise.

But that's what greed brings.

I'll be happy to hear your views on this. Send me an email

Thursday 14 August 2008

Let's clarify some things first

Hi there,

I am getting some complains on the frequency that i post my views. You are probably right but you have to understand that i have created this blog out of my free time just to help you get an idea on what's going on .

There are many sites that offer ebooks reviews and are being updated very frequently. There is one huge difference. They get paid for leading you to buy an ebook through affiliate links and therefore their opinion is quite misleading.

The only thing i can promise , starting from next month, that i will post at least 2 reviews per month.


Thursday 5 June 2008

Betting Cash Machine

This ebook is about Exchange games and deals with the exchange Hi Lo game.

The ebook is 22 pages long and contains one single tactic. After explaining how the Betfair's exchange Hi Lo game is being played, the writer explains its system, dividing it according to the possible outcomes available.

You can also find an example which can help you understand the tactic plus a summary of the tactic's rules. The authors have also include a staking plan in order to use the tactic with more success.

The tactic is quite easy to understand and implement. The only problem is that i am not sure that it's a real tactic in the sense that in my opinion they base their tactic on the wrong assumption. The tactic sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

It costs 44 GBP and i wouldn't pay that amount for a single tactic. Maybe someone who really loves exchange games would pay......


Overall : 54 %
Cost : 44 GBP
Link :

Wednesday 21 May 2008


Hi there!

I know it's being a long time since i wrote for the last time but too many obligations prevent me from writing and answering to your emails. I promise that i will make up for the lost time.

Today i am going to tell you my opinion about the SportsBettingChamp packet which is written by John Morrison .

As we states he has a Phd degree on statistics and his ebooks are based on statistical analysis. The SportsBettingChamp packet contains 3 e-books each one containing a specific strategy for MLB, NBA and NFL.

The ebooks are not too long, around 10 pages each. The systems analyzed on these ebooks are well explained followed by examples. So far so good.

The results mentioned on their website a genuine. It may be impressive but this is not exactly the case since a "bet" can actually be a set of bets, where we make a certain number of bets until we get it right.

In other words, you must make a couple of bets until a bet is considered to be a winner. The odds suggested are rather small and you are going to require a large amount of starting capital in order to follow the systems with success.

To sum up, the SportsBettingChamp is a compilation of 3 different systems on 3 different US Sports. The systems do live to our expectations but you must have a big amount of starting capital because you risk going default before the bet is considered to be a winner.

Also there are some limitations on the bookies which you can use, so it is better to ask the writer if your bookie can cover the specific strategy. Moreover, don't forget that as you increase your stake, the bookie may not allow you to do so and therefore lose the bet!

If you don't have a big starting bank, don't get involved with this system, if you have one then give it a try


Overall: 65%
Cost : 197 USD
Link :

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Punter's Ultimate Weapon

Hello again,

I would like to express my apologies for replying so late to your e-mails but don't have enought spare time.

Today i am going to tell you my thoughts about the Punter's Ultimate Weapon e-book which is written by Zack Harris . This guy is also the writer of "Make Your Bookie Your ATM Machine"(not reviewed here).

The e-book deals with soccer asian handicap punting. The e-book is about 16 pages long and the writer states 2 signals (i.e. asian handicap lines) which can show you on which team you should bet.

The two signals are well explained and easy to follow. Actually, the writer explains each signal in one page which means that you don't really need the other 14 pages!

There isn't much to say about this e-book. It's only 16 pages long and the strategies do not deliver what they promise. You can get some good winning streaks but most of the time, you will have a negative balance. I didn't test for a long time, who knows? Maybe you can do better and the e-book is fairly cheap.


Overall : 50%
Cost : 39$
Link :

Monday 18 February 2008

The Legacy And Saver System

I was going to review this e-book next month but two readers asked me the same questions about this e-book and i decided to review it now.

The Legacy And Saver System is an e-book for those who want to use a system to help them identify which horse is going to win the race or get a place (i.e. for backers/punters) and is written by Stan Hibbert.

Actually the e-book explains two different systems, the Legacy and the Saver system. The positive thing about this e-book is that they try to keep it as simple as possible. That's why they sum up both systems in a little bit more than 20 pages containing 13 sections !!

Both systems have the same logic behind them, although they differ in implementation. Generally speaking both systems are not that complicated and the average punter can follow them. All you have to do is check your racing newspapers and find the right qualities in order to identify the proper horse.

The big question is whether both systems work. When i first tested them, they seemed quite ok, giving a good return. After a while , there were a couple of big losing runs which almost eliminated my available bank (for testing purposes). I was quite discouraged by it and tested 4 months later with the same results.

Is it worth buying ? Well maybe yes if the cost was around 20-30 USD but it would be a big mistake to buy this e-book at the special offer of 199.99 USD.


Overall : 55 %
Price : 199,99 USD
Link :

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Types of Ebooks

Another reader of my blog ask me what kind of ebooks exist. I believe that there are at least five categories according to e-book's methodology (not content).

Informative : You can find these e-books for free (most of the time) and their purpose is to inform the reader about a particular subject. Most of the time, you will find plenty of affiliate links and they encourage you to click on their links. Such ebooks "talk" about how to join a bookie, how to bet on a bet exchange etc. Although the majority of these e-books won't add anything new, there are some e-books which deal with card games such as Texas Hold-Em and are filled with stats, probabilities and player's attitude. These e-book can offer great help.

Bet Trading : This is my favorite type of e-book. There you can find how you can use bet exchange sites in order to trade your bets. This category can also be divided into two subcategories. The first consists of e-books which are trying to identify how the price of a selection will move and the second will explain you what you have to do during inplay when the price falls or rises. The first category is by far more interesting and is the one which i really like.

Stats / Arbitrage : Two categories into one. Some e-books try to derive strategies through statistical analysis while other e-books try to explain the arbitrage theory and how you can trace (by following simple mathematical formula) any arbitrage opportunities. I have told you my opinion about arbitrage. On the other hand, i like statistical analysis and believe that you can derive some very helpful conclusions. I wouldn't buy an e-book about arbitrage but i believe that someone should buy an e-book based on stats in order to derive proper conclusion (and save time from analyzing the data by yourself).

Laying : This category contains plenty of ebooks which try to identify which is the least probably result and bet against it. Most of the e-books covers horse&greyhound racing but there are plenty of e-book about soccer, cricket etc. The problem with these strategies are that most of them are time consuming and the real risk is larger than the odds show. For example when you "lay" a selection at 6, you make a 1,20 bet on the other outcomes. The 1,20 is too low and we all know that the lower the odd, the higher the risk/return ratio.

Backing : On the other hand, there are e-books which explain how you can identify the winner of an event. These strategies can vary a lot and are based on the personal experience of the writer of the ebook etc. Some strategies have proven quite profitable but there is a danger that when you buy such an e-book, you will run into a modified version of the martingale system (which can be very catastrophic). You must be very careful when choosing the right ebook.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Bismarx Poker

After a long time, i am going to review an e-book. Before i begin, i woulf like to know your opinion about whether you prefer to write my opinion about e-books or you prefer to talk about bet-trading etc. in general. Send me your thoughts at .

The Bismarkx Poker is about Betfair's Exchange Poker, is written by Malcom Pett contains one simple strategy on how to win money from this automated game.

The e-book consist of 25 pages, with the vast majority explaining the Texas Hold Em and Betfair's version. As i said it only includes one strategy.

Actually is a combination of laying a hand with the BVR method. By tje term BVR, i don't mean "Beyond Visual Range" (air-fighters enthousiasts know the term) but the Bank Vault Report which another version of the martingale system.

Does it work ?

Well In my opinion, i find it rather risky since my own personal data shows that we should act in the exact opposite direction!

The strategy is well explained but you have to be careful when implementing it. You also get some excel files which can help you perform the calculations.


Overall: 42%
Cost: 59,97 GBP
Link :

Wednesday 9 January 2008

How risky should i be ?

A couple of readers have asked my advise on the amount of risk they should undertake.

My opinion is that it depends on risk-type of punter you are. Before i tell you which are the most common risk-type punters, you should be aware that when you bet on a selection, you undertake a certain amount of risk. There is no risk-free bet (not talking about trading or arbitrage).

The first type is the risk-averse punter. This type of punter hates risks. He prefers to bet on low odds events and usually makes average to large bets in order to have a good return.

The second type is the risk-neutral punter. This type of punter doesn't have a certain attitude towards risk. He can bet on both low and high odds selections and doesn't consider risk as his major decision factor. He always try to compare the price of his selection with his point of view about the outcome of the event.

The third type is the risk-lover punter. This type of punter usually makes small bets on high odds selections. He prefers to diversify his bank into small bets with high R.O.I. .

Personally i am a risk-neutral with a touch of risk-lover punter. I don't bet on low odds selections because in my opinion they contain a bigger possibility of losing the bet than its price shows.